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Summit Players Theatre - Series #5 LbNA #73951

Owner:Dramagoons Contact
Plant date:Jul 21, 2019
Location: Peninsula State Park, 9462 Shore Rd,
City:Fish Creek
Found by: Merlin and Ardea (2)
Last found:May 21, 2022
Last edited:Jul 25, 2019
This is the fifth of five series honoring the first five seasons of the Summit Players' Shakespeare in the State Parks program. There are two boxes in each of the five series. Additionally, there is one more box honoring the first Executive Director of the company.

The Summit Players are a traveling, non-profit theatre company. They are the only one in the country which tours a Shakespeare production to multiple state parks each summer, presenting a show and education programs completely free to audiences. For more info about the Summit Players Theatre check out their website,

1. Trunk
Being a traveling theatre company in the Wisconsin State Parks requires them to travel light and pack efficiently. They have a large brown trunk that holds their props between shows. It is also placed at the front-most edge of center stage. It is used as a set piece for sitting, standing, and laying on during the performances. And, occasionally, a cast member will open it up during the show and pull out a needed prop.

To find the "Trunk" you will need to start in the Nicolet Beach Overflow Parking Lot. Climb the wooden steps on west side of the lot. At the top of the steps, you will see a "Northern Sky Theater" sign on your left. Turn left and follow the trail south toward the theatre. At the first intersection, bear right in a southwesterly direction past the amphitheater on your right. This is where the Summit Players perform when they are in this park. After the amphitheater, you will pass the parallel bars of the Vita Course on your right. Keep going until you reach an orange diamond-shaped marker on the right just before an open prairie (also on the right). Just before the orange marker will be a narrow walking trail on the right. Take that path passing Vita Course #8 and keep going until you get to the tree with the embedded "No Bike Riding" sign that is slightly overgrown by bark. From there take a compass bearing of 154 degrees towards a gnarly dead tree 22 steps away. From that tree, locate a mossy pile of rocks off to your left about 7 steps near a tall birch tree. The "Trunk" awaits you under the rocks close to the birch tree. Please re-hide the box well when you are done stamping in. You can return to the parking lot by going back the way you came.

You will need a brown inking pen for this stamp.

2. Romeo & Juliet
The fifth season (2019) of Summit Players Theatre saw the company mount a production of Romeo & Juliet, Shakespeare's classic tale of love and loss about two young lovers from rival families who seek to overcome the hate that keeps them apart.

To find "Romeo & Juliet" you will need to start in the Nicolet Beach Overflow Parking Lot as you did above. You will again climb the wooden steps on west side of the lot. At the top of the steps, you will see a "Northern Sky Theater" sign on your left. This time, turn right and follow the gravel trail north across the road that you drove into the lot on. Just across the road you will see a "Stop Ahead" sign on your right and a narrow dirt trail on your left. This is the "Nicolet Bay Trail". Take this trail back across the road in a westerly direction to sign on the left reading "Tennison Bay" and "Nicolet Bay Trail". Go right (north) and follow the "Nicolet Bay Trail". As you continue down the trail, you will pass one "Nicolet Bay Trail" sign (facing the opposite direction) and come to an identical sign also facing the direction from which you are coming. From that second sign, walk back up the trail the way you came for 30 steps. You will see a tall evil-looking stump off the trail on your right. "Romeo & Juliet" await your discovery inside the stump. Please re-hide the box well when you are done stamping in. You can return to the parking lot by going back the way you came.

You will need green, red, blue, and brown inking pens for this stamp.

Find the original four Summit Players Theatre series here:

Find the bonus Summit Players Theatre: Executive Director box here:

Hike length: 1 mile