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Summit Players Theatre - Series #3 LbNA #73200

Owner:Dramagoons Contact Inactive
Plant date:Aug 8, 2018
Location: Havenwoods State Forest, 6141 N Hopkins St
Found by: Queen G and Stubby (2)
Last found:Nov 28, 2020
Last edited:Jul 25, 2019
This is the third of five series honoring the first five seasons of the Summit Players' Shakespeare in the State Parks program. There are two boxes in each of the five series. Additionally, there is one more box honoring the first Executive Director of the company.

The Summit Players are a traveling, non-profit theatre company. They are the only one in the country which tours a Shakespeare production to multiple state parks each summer, presenting a show and education programs completely free to audiences. For more info about the Summit Players Theatre check out their website,

***** Update - In early July 2019, the "Bugle" was re-carved and re-hid in a new location (see new location below). It had gone missing in June, 2019. It had been planted in an area that was highly trafficked with muggles and may have wandered off on it's own. *****

1. Bugle
Music has played also played an important part in every Summit Players production. Over the years, their productions have included music created using recorders, ukuleles, a melodica, and kazoos. But the one instrument that has provided music in every performance is the bugle.

To find the "Bugle" start at the south side of the parking lot. Take the trail that heads in a southeasterly direction at the end of the lot opposite of the Nature Center. Very quickly you will come to a nature education area with permanently fixed wooden benches. This is where the Summit Players perform in this park. Walk straight through this area and continue on the trail walking south. You will pass through a clearing with two large hexagonal sand boxes and come to a paved path. Turn right at the paved path and follow it until you reach the gravel path. Turn left on the gravel path and follow it in a southerly direction. You will come upon a wide grassy path on your left. Turn left onto that path and follow it straight ahead. It will eventually descend to a four-way intersection with a large, yellow "Havenwoods State Forest" sign on the northwest corner. From the exact center of this intersection, walk back the way you came, up the grassy path, 14 steps. A four-trunked tree stands next to the path on you left. The "Bugle" is hidden at the intersection of those trunks. Please re-hide the box well when you are done stamping in. Return back up the grassy path to the gravel path and back to the parking lot.

You will need a gray inking pen for this stamp.

2. The Comedy Of Errors
The third season (2017) of Summit Players Theatre focused on one show...with double the fun, The Comedy of Errors! Before this play begins, two sets of twins have been separated from their doubles as infants during a storm and they grow up as master and servant in distant lands. As the play begins, both sets of twins find themselves in the same city where many incidents of mistaken identity occur.

To find the one set of the twins, start in the parking lot in front of the Nature Center. Follow the gravel on left side of the Nature Center. You will pass a sign reading "Service Vehicles Only" on your right. As the gravel splits, continue on the trail that curves around to the right behind the Nature Center. Turn left onto the grassy trail (marked as the blue trail). At the first Y intersection, stay to your right. As you are walking, you will parallel a paved path. Keep it on your right. You will join up with a grassy path coming from the paved path. Go left, away from the paved path. In a very short distance, there will be another Y intersection. Bear left again and pass the the Robert Litzau Bench on your left and a "Tough Competition" sign on your right. Keep walking down this trail until you come to yet another Y intersection. You will bear left yet again and pass an "Ah Diversity" sign on your right. The curves toward the right and ends at a T intersection. Ever consistent, you will go left one last time. Just down the trail, there will be a bench on your left. Standing in the middle of the trail next to this bench, you should see one tree standing slightly apart from its neighbors straight ahead of you on a bearing of 80 degrees. This is your destination. As you get closer, you will see that the trail bends to the left just before this multi-trunked tree sitting 5-10 yards off of the trail. You will find "The Comedy Of Errors" box where all of the tree trunks come together. Please re-hide the box well when you are done stamping in. Return to the trail and continue in direction that you were traveling a short distance back to the Nature Center.

You will need blue and orange inking pens for this stamp.

Find the other four Summit Player Theatre series here:

Find the bonus Summit Players Theatre: Executive Director box here:

Hike length: 1 mile