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Summit Players Theatre - Series #1 LbNA #73198

Plant date:Aug 8, 2018
Location: Richard Bong State Recreation Area, 26313 Burlington Rd
Found by: TJ_Mich
Last found:Dec 29, 2022
Last edited:Jul 25, 2019
This is the first of five series honoring the first five seasons of the Summit Players' Shakespeare in the State Parks program. There are two boxes in each of the five series. Additionally, there is one more box honoring the first Executive Director of the company.

The Summit Players are a traveling, non-profit theatre company. They are the only one in the country which tours a Shakespeare production to multiple state parks each summer, presenting a show and education programs completely free to audiences. For more info about the Summit Players Theatre check out their website,

1. Picnic Table
Being a traveling theatre company in the Wisconsin State Parks requires them to travel light and use what is available. Because all state parks have picnic tables, the company adapts their performances to use a picnic table as their stage.

To find the "Picnic Table" start at the front door of the Visitor Center. Follow the Nature Trail east towards the Amphitheater. Take a good look at the Amphitheater. Most years, this is where the Summit Players perform when they visit this park. Walk past the Amphitheater and locate a blue bubbler. Standing at the bubbler, take a bearing of 30 degrees and walk in that direction for 27 steps. You should be facing two trees growing together with two large rocks at the base. There will be a small pile of rocks between the two large ones. The "Picnic Table" waits for you under the rocks. It is very important to completely re-hide this box well after stamping in as it can be easily seen from the parking lot, trail, and picnic shelter.

You will need a brown inking pen for this stamp.

2. A Midsummer Night's Dream
The inaugural season (2015) of Summit Players Theatre centered on a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, one of Shakespeare's most magical comedies. In the play, a mischievous faerie, Puck, transforms the head of an overconfident weaver, Nick Bottom, into the that of a donkey.

To find where Nick Bottom is hiding, make your way to Parking Lot C (Beach and Fishing Pier) at the edge of Wolf Lake. Park at the furthest end of the parking lot. You will be right near the Fishing Pier. The grassy area adjacent to the pier is where the Summit Players performed their 2018 show. North of the parking lot is a wooden stairs. Go up the stairs to the blue trail. Turn right onto the blue trail. Follow the trail in a northeasterly direction. Walk past Evelyn's bench on your left and continue on to Terry's bench. Take a rest and enjoy the view. Follow the blue trail down the hill to the road. Take a right on the road and look for the ONE WAY sign. Follow the road to the right as if you were a car. There is a large white arrow painted in the center of the road. The arrow should be pointing 245 degrees, approximately. From the tip of the arrow, take 25 steps. To your left, you will see a three trunked tree off the roadway. The "A Midsummer Night's Dream" box hides at the junction of all three trees, covered by some brush and twigs. Please re-hide the box well when you are done stamping in. You can either return the way that you came, follow the rest of the blue trail loop (4.2 miles), or continue down the road toward the lake and a boat landing. Once at the boat landing, there will be a boardwalk on your right that will take you back to the Fishing Pier.

You will need gray, brown, and green inking pens for this stamp.

Find the other four Summit Player Theatre series here:

Find the bonus Summit Players Theatre: Executive Director box here:

Hike length: 1 mile