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20 Mile House LbNA #63796

Plant date:Jun 30, 2012
County:British Columbia, CAN
State:British Columbia, Canada
Planted by:Gold Country Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 30, 2012
Private Property
From Clinton follow Hwy 97 towards Cache Creek for 19km.
Turn left onto Loon Lake Road and park at the pull out by the post boxes. Beside an active farm. Keep pets on a leash.

Park at the post boxes. Follow the trail by the fence line up to the top of the hill by the hydro poles. At pole #17 turn to the right and walk towards the last pole with a view of 20 Mile Ranch and the Old Cariboo Wagon Road that runs along the hillside. Cache is hidden in sagebrush near the backside of pole #1755.

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