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The Sugar LbNA #54978

Plant date:Aug 6, 2010
County:Contra Costa
Planted by:Golden Tree Frog Contact Inactive
Found by: Lost Sailor
Last found:Dec 17, 2010
Last edited:Aug 6, 2010
This box was placed by Golden Tree Frog and Fluffy Bunny - our very first box!

Head north on Arlington from “downtown” Kensington to Kensington Park, just off of Kensington Park Road. Start at the west side of the play structure facing due west. Take 13 steps, walking between two park benches until you find some wooden steps leading down the hill. Follow the steps until a small footpath veers off to the left. Take this footpath until you come to the first large redwood tree near the southeast corner of the library. Buried under leaves at the base of this tree near a baby redwood tree, you will find a sweet seasonal treat.

Bonus: two small “treasures” for first finder.