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The Kaoham Shuttle LbNA #54399

Plant date:Jun 10, 2010
County:British Columbia, CAN
State:British Columbia, Canada
Planted by:Gold Country Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 10, 2010
• The C.N. Rail station is in the 1300 block of Main Street, Lillooet.
• Saturday to Thursday, the shuttle makes one trip from Seton to Lillooet and back to Seton.
• On Fridays, the Shuttle offers additional service for those interested in a day trip.
• It is essential to check and maintain schedules if riding the shuttle.
• Ask the driver to let you off at the Shalalth Station.
• Shuttle runs on schedule – do NOT be late.
- OR -
• From Lillooet, take Hwy#40 (Moha Road) to the dam and go left at the Shalalth turn off.
• Parking is available at the Shalalth station stop, do NOT stop on road.
• Use caution, tight corners and steep grades, road conditions should be considered.

Park at Shalalth station and walk back up the hill to the old vault. This cache is not an ammo can and blends in to the landscape.

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