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Más de la Pradera LbNA #45287

Plant date:Jan 17, 2009
County:Santa Cruz
Planted by:de Anza Trails Contact Inactive
Found by: Azroadie
Last found:Jan 31, 2009
Last edited:Jan 17, 2009
Difficulty: clues – easy. Walk – easy pavement & dirt, some brush areas
Walking time: about 20 minutes one way
Stamp: hand-carved
Status: alive and well on placement date

Before you set out, please read the waiver at
Please be sure to reseal baggies and boxes carefully so that they stay dry and rehide boxes in their original location, completely hidden from view.


Take the only Interstate Highway marked in the metric system (I-19) South from Tucson to exit #40. Exit here and proceed south along the East Frontage Road for 2 miles.

Upon reaching the entrance to the Tubac Golf Resort turn to the East, go through the arches and proceed for 0.4 miles down C. Otero to the parking lot on your left. Park your car and walk to the Northeast corner of the parking lot.

Standing on the walkway exiting the lot you will see a large fountain across the street and to your left and an archway directly behind it. Go through this archway, down the steps and follow the brick walk to the left to a second water fountain.

At this fountain face to the East and proceed through yet another archway. (You will know that you're on the right path if there's a gift shop on your left and the Stables Restaurant is on your right.) Once emerging from this archway you will be in the Stables Bar and it might be time to stop for a little libation before proceeding.

The Otero Ranch was established in 1789. You are in the original stables.

Once refreshed you will find a sign post at the East edge of the bar patio area. It reads "Tubac Historical Society". Standing at the sign and facing East you will be looking out over the #9 island green of the Anza course and the Santa Rita Mountains in the distance. To the right of the pond surrounding the green you can see a wooden sign (it's about 50 yards from where you are standing). Once you are at the sign (de Anza Trail) you will find a gate to the pasture beyond. Go through the gate and close it behind you (we don't want the cattle getting out).

From this point you need to watch your step or you will have to clean off your shoes. Note that there is a 3-rail fence running off to the Southeast. Proceed 54 fence posts from the gate to a cattle guard.

After carefully crossing the cattle guard there will be a small corral to your left. Along the South side of the corral is a pathway with "de Anza Trail" markers along the left hand side of the trail. At the Southeast corner of the corral the trail branches to both the North and the South. Take the branch to the South and proceed 25 paces to the next trail marker.

At this marker face to the Southwest. About 50 or so yards out you will see a large curved tree trunk which was blown over sometime in the past. Just to the right of this curved trunk (about 20 yards) is a large pile of broken branches, rotted tree trunks and brush.

From the marker walk 40 paces to the large brush pile. Inside the East side of this pile, down low under some easily moved smaller branches and wood scraps you will find your objective.

Upon departing please return the letter-box to its hiding place and cover it with the small branches. Also, don't forget to close and latch the gate.

Thanks for coming. The food in all the restaurants (Stables, the Bar, and Dos Silos on your way back to the parking lot) is excellent.