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Ardastra Birds of a Feather LbNA #38352

Plant date:Mar 10, 2008
Planted by:Team Ginkgo Contact Inactive
Found by: HouseMouse
Last found:Mar 15, 2009
Last edited:Mar 10, 2008
If you area fan of zoos we recommend you travel to the Ardastra Zoo on Nassau. It is a steep entry price ($15.00) for the size of the zoo, but it is a wonderful little place. We particularly recommend going to one of the lorakeet feeding sessions and a "marching" flamingo presentation. You decide if they are actually marching...

Find the hidden rock path between the little alligator pen (I think it was a Caymen) and the flamingo arena. Find the steps down and the pool. Look to the right in the corner under leaves and a big rock.

PLEASE be discreet and rehide well. We don't anticipate being back in Nassau to do any upkeep so it is up to every finder!