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Bermuda Rocks! Bermudiana LbNA #30475

Plant date:Apr 29, 2007
City:Smith's Parish
Planted by:Bermuda Onion Contact Inactive
Found by: Potted Frog
Last found:Apr 2, 2008
Last edited:Apr 29, 2007
Located at Spital Pond Nature Reserve in Smith's Parish, Bermuda, this letter box is located at one of the most beautiful spots in Bermuda. The view here is amazing!

* Start at the WEST entrance to Spital Pond Nature Reserve, which is located at the junction of South Road and Knapton Hill Road. There is a small parking lot here, normally with feral chickens scurrying about. You will see a sign for the nature reserve below the parking lot and a trail with a small dairy farm to the left of the trail. Follow the trail.

* After about 100 yards or so, the trail will split in three directions - Take the center path that proceeds thru the woods. Along this path are many native an endemic trees including a few olive trees and all spice trees (smooth bark, long slender leaves which are very fragrant when crushed).

* After another few hundred yards, the trail will start going down a hill. Continue down the hill past the 'coastal view' sign. The rocky coast will be on your right here.

There is an awesome view of the South Shore here. In the summer you will see our endemic Longtails (Tropic Birds) flying around in aerial displays. In the spring you might be lucky enough to see a hump back whale proceeding north just outside the reef line. In the pond and in the woods, many native and migrant birds can be found here.

* Proceed thru the gate there is (or should be) another sign here for the Nature Reserve.

* Proceed along the trail with the pond on your left. Eventually the trail will bend around to the right and take you back toward the coast. As you come to the view of the sea, you will find some rough steps cut in the rock gong up a small incline a bit to the left.

* You will pass a plaque here for 'Jeffry's Cave' on the right (plaque missing Sept/07). Stop and read the history and have a look at the cave, but be careful around the edge as there is an unprotected hole that drops eight feet or so into the cave.

* Continue to follow the trail up the hill. There is a bit of a short path that bears off to the right at a small cliff face with prickly pears at the bottom of it... stay left here.

* You should have now (or eventually) arrived at 'Spanish Rock'. This is a piece of very old graffiti. It is believed that the inscription here was carved in 1543 by Portuguese sailor. (Why is it not called 'Portuguese Rock' then you might ask.... good question!).

* Stand at the cast of the original 1543 carving, with your back to the sea (don't fall backwards!)...look in front of you and a bit to the right... you will see a stump/log of an old Bermuda Cedar tree wrapped around the rock about 10' away... Sit on the slab of rock to the right of the stump (the rock has a few ititials carved in it, including 'TB + CF' quite large)...Reach down, behind and under the rock, close to the stump side (between a root of the stump and the rock) you will find the 'Bermuda Rocks! Bermudiana' Letter Box.

Please note that you will not be able to see the letter box from above.. you will have to reach down under the rock to find it. You may however be able to just see it by looking under the front of the slab of rock, but you will not be able to reach it from the front.

Sit back, relax, enjoy the view. Imagine what it must have been like to have been marooned in 1543. You may find some small purple flowers with yellow centres growing here and elsewhere - these are Bermudiana, our endemic national flower.

* Please reseal the letter box back up in the multiple plastic bags and plastic box. This is a very exposed location during storms, so the letter box has to be well sealed!

Please proceed with caution along the cliff face here and thru the rest of the park. The rock is very crumbly, so it is best not to trust it. We hope you enjoyed the walk and the view.

There is also an east entrance to this park. If you come in from that side you will just have to find your way to Spanish Rock. I have no detailed directions from this side, if you come in from the east, consider it the more challenging hunt!

Have fun!

(last checked September 6, 2008)