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Apple Hill Letterbox LbNA #26221

Plant date:Oct 7, 2006
County:El Dorado
Planted by:NancyAnne & Doug Contact Inactive
Found by: fleetwood7
Last found:Apr 21, 2016
Last edited:Oct 7, 2006
Visiting Apple Hill in the fall is a time honored tradition for many who live in the Sacramento region and beyond. Nancyanne and Talkative Doug used to come up and gorge themselves on apple goodies with their 3 delightful young daughters, but those girls insisted on growing up, so now a visit may include granddaughters, sons-n-law....whoever can be rounded up. Apple Hill "season" begins in September and generally winds down sometime in November, although many areas stay open through December selling Christmas trees and whatnot. It's a great place to get your Halloween pumpkins. It can get pretty hectic up there, especially on weekends, but we know a pleasant little walk you can take to find the Apple Hill letterbox. On the day we planted our box Apple Hill was buzzing, but not a single person came down the path while we fooled around, finding our hiding place.
Apple Hill is located in the hills north of Camino, which is about 47 miles east of Sacramento off Highway 50. There are numerous exits that will get you to the Apple Hill area, but Carson Road is probably best if you don't know the area. All of the Apple Hill growers display distinctive red signs which are numbered. If you need a map, any of these places will give you a free one. Your goal is "Kids Inc.," which is #5 on the map (west on Carson Road, then north on North Canyon Road). Park in the Kids Inc. parking lot. Start at the flag pole and head down the hill. It may or may not be marked with a Nature Trail sign (We asked one of the "kids" working there if one could go down the trail in any season. He said there is no gate and he thinks it would be okay, but Nancyanne and Talkative Doug have only been there in season.)You will pass an apple orchard on your right and a grove of young evergreens on your left. At the fork, proceed into the dim, dark forest. You'll find yourself amongst dogwood, maple, madrone, firs, cedars and oaks. Listen for the creek below you. The trail will very soon take a sweeping sharp turn to the right and down. As you make this turn, you will come face to face with a silver peace symbol without the cirle. Follow the trail until you reach a second silver peace symbol. Turn and look up the rise to the moss covered boulders. At the base of the larger boulder you will see a a pile of rocks and wood. Beneath this pile will be the the Apple Hill letterbox. Please recover it carefully as this area gets quite wet and muddy in the winter. In fact, we've had to slightly alter the way this box is hidden several times because of alterations in nature's landscape. You can go back the way you came or continue on the trail, out of the woods and past some apple trees on your right, then up the hill and back to Kids Inc. If you're lucky, you may meet some critters on your way back up. Nancyanne and Talkative Doug's very favorite goodies at Apple Hill are the turnovers at the Boa Vista Orchards, #3 on the map, by the way. Yum yum.