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Marmot's Mural Mail Cache - Vernon Murals LbNA #25432

Plant date:Apr 1, 2006
County:British Columbia, CAN
State:British Columbia, Canada
Planted by:Groundhog & Shadow Contact Inactive
Found by: Groundhog & Shadow
Last found:Apr 24, 2015
Last edited:Apr 1, 2006
This is the 2nd in our series of March Madness Mural caches placed for geocachers. However, this is the first one that is a hybrid – for geocachers and for letterboxers. The murals have been created with photographs obtained from the local Heritage Societies and Vernon Museum Archives of actual Vernon and area residents. These murals preserve the historical heritage of Vernon and give the community and tourists a glimpse into our rich past.

The cache is located at a spot that you will be able to view a mural of a pioneer of the Okanagan. These beautifully illustrated historic murals were created by lead artist, Michelle Loughery, for downtown Vernon. This project has been funded by the Government of Canada, the Downtown Vernon Association and the City of Vernon. Every year, a group of youth participate in the project to develop skills that they could use in the workforce.

If you use the letterbox description, you will have a walking tour of downtown Vernon, BC to view 17 of Vernon’s 27 murals leading you to the cache.

You will need to start the hunt at the parking lot of the Vernon Recreation Centre or approx. coordinates: N50* 16.059 W119* 16.531. Walk to the nearby corner of 35 Avenue and 33 Street. Walking south, go past the Kalamalka Lake mural, 3 trees, and a row of posts. Passing the World Wars mural, continue south to the lights. Cross and turn left to cross 33 Street. As you cross you’ll see a mural on your right depicting the Okanagan Indian Band. Continue walking east to the next traffic light, but don’t cross. Instead look at the wintery Sovereign Lake ski mural across the street to the left, and saviour the smells that surround you. Turn and walk south to the Geisha, and continue south to the next street. Pause to check out the Sternwheeler to your left and head to the next set of traffic lights. This is the very centre of downtown Vernon. Cross here and still continue walking south until you get to Coldstream Avenue. Look to your left as you cross this street to see a glimpse of the Creamery truck mural and once across, stop, and turn around at the Ellison Provincial Park sign. From here you’ll see three murals. Now cross the street you just traversed and turn left on the other side to travel west along Coldstream Avenue, crossing at the next street and continue until you reach the first hydro/telephone pole. Turn around to look at the Tromp d’Oeil mural and also across to Fishers’ to see the one there. Retrace your steps, crossing 33 Street and turn left to walk north looking across at the bike mural before you cross the main street. Once across, turn left to walk west and again cross. Stop when you get to the other side and turn around to see the cowboys. Hey, you’ve almost done a loop! You should be able to see down the street to where you started! Turn back and continue walking west, looking up above the store fronts on the opposite side you will see what this street looked like in 1911 in Vernon’s first mural. Cross at the next lights and keep walking west (you’ll pass under the tin cans on the rafters of the Chinese Hacienda). When you reach the supermarket's driveway with the yellow posts on each side, stop and turn around to meet Captain Shorts and his crew.

Continue on and when you see the yellow circle on the post you’ll know that you are getting warm. Go past the green railing and the rushing water, and curve to the right. Don’t feed the ducks -- instead look across the street at Catherine! Now go past the old post office building and go behind the large rock covered with a juniper. Check under the juniper.

Over the years, this cache disappeared so many times that I gave up putting a new stamp and stamppad inside. Now there is just a logbook. Sorry. Make sure that you do a semi-circle once you are finished with the cache to read the plaque.

P.S. Final coords are: N 50° 15.853 W 119° 16.793

Please email me at if you have found it.