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Canada Goose LbNA #9918

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Aug 3, 2004
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: CarrieOnThePrairie
Last found:Aug 4, 2013
Last edited:Aug 3, 2004
My 100th Letterbox
Replaced log (2010)
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (flat, 100 yards RT)
Status: alive

The Canada Goose is the most familiar and common of geese in Canada. A brownish body with a black head, long black neck and white chin strap characterize the coloring of this goose. A rich, musical honking is the call of the larger species and a high pitched cackling is that of the smaller. This goose lives throughout the majority of North America in lakes, bays, rivers and marshes. They are often seen feeding in open grasslands and stubble fields. They have become a semi-domesticated bird in city parks and on reservoirs. One good place to see them, along with this microbox, is in Waterton Park. It is here that some of the most ancient mountains in the Canadian Rockies abruptly meet the grasslands of the great plains prairie. Located near the narrowest point in the Rocky Mountains, several natural regions meet with dramatic natural results! So come admire the beauty while searching for this microbox. There is a fee to enter Waterton Park.

From Calgary take Highway 2 south to Fort Macleod, then west on Highway 3 to Pincher Creek, then south again on Highway 6 to Waterton. Just after passing the Prince of Wales Hotel, turn left into a picnic area and park at the first building on the left.

Walk to the trash cans across the road (if cans are gone, just walk straight across road from where you parked), then walk back across the road at 65 degrees for 22 steps to the third large aspen tree. The microbox is at its base on the back side under small rocks. Please re-cover well. (I had to hide this box in the rain with a 40 pound backpack on, so the directions might be off a bit)