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Top Dog of the Mountains LbNA #76232

Owner:Baby Bear Contact
Plant date:Jul 29, 2022
Location: Whistling Pass, Banff, Canada
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 10, 2022
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Distance to Letterbox: If staying at Shadow Lake, about 16 miles RT.
You could hike it as thru hike from Sunshine Ski Mountain, Egypt lake and up through pass.

Not easy to get to unless you stay 2 nights at Shadow Lake Lodge or are backpacking. Beautiful pass and hike.

Get to Shadow Lake Lodge, or if coming from other place, get to Whistling Pass.

To the Letterbox:
Will give clues from Shadow Lake Lodge. Take trail behind cabins to Shadow Lake, then continue on up the trail past Ball Pass and Haiduk lake and up to Whistling Pass. There is no sign at top, so figure out the apex spot and look for the following. At very top, if coming from Shadow lake, look left for big square 5 foot boulder about 10 yards away. GO to far side base, box is under a rock pile.