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Grand Opera House LbNA #75036 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:The Gamer Ruettens Contact
Plant date:Oct 4, 2020
Location: United States
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 7, 2020

The Grand Opera House, commonly referred as The Grand, is a historic opera house, designed by William Waters, a local architect. Today, the opera house seats 550, hosts nearly 100 public performances a year including community and repertory theater, symphony orchestra, corporate meetings and weddings. The theater was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.

Get yourself to the front of the Grand Opera House on High Ave.

How many letter O's are in the words written in stone above the balcony? A=_____
How many large ornate glass lights hang on the front of the building? B=_______
What is the last digit in the year that the building was established? C=______

Stand on the steps in front of the middle set of doors under the street address. Take a compass reading equal to ABC. Walk towards the bike rack along the side of this building (This is the Grand's Business offices). You will see a tall, skinny cedar tree. Look underneath.

Hike length: 0.1 miles