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Timber! LbNA #73849

Plant date:Jun 13, 2019
County:Santa Clara
Planted by:RedwoodAvery Contact Inactive
Found by: Nature Hikers
Last found:Dec 27, 2019
Last edited:Jun 14, 2019
1. Start from the back entrance of Nixon Elementary School on Tolman Drive
2. Heading East, cross Tolman Drive and continue on Tolman Ln
3. Cross Ramundo and walk on the path adjacent to it
4. Turn right, and walk one block
5. Cross Cathcart
6. Continue on the path for about half a block, until you come to two large Redwood trees on the left side of the path with lots of green Redwood sprouts surrounding both of them
8. Taking care to not get poked, look in the area where there sprouts from the two trees seem to meet/overlap.

Hike length: 0.1 miles