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The Heart of Texas in Lake Tahoe LbNA #73104

Owner:The Methodist Cross Contact
Plant date:Jul 4, 2018
Location: South Lake Tahoe, Emerald Beach
City:South Lake Tahoe
County:El Dorado
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jul 14, 2018
Clue image
Take the Emerald Bay exit once you are in South Lake Tahoe. Pay to get in (about 10$ per carload). Take a pit stop at the first restroom. When you get done, go to the front of the supply building to the right of the restroom. From the front of the building, go to the right back corner of the building. From there, count 42 steps to the right and you will come to a big boulder located behind camp spot 11). From the back of the boulder, you will see 2-3 smaller stones buried by tree leavings. Move the stones, and you will find the Heart of Texas in the box. Lake Tahoe has a part of my Texas heart! After stamping, enjoy the Rubicon hike trail!

Hike length: 0.5 miles