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Who Let the Dogs Out? Who? Who? LbNA #72568

Owner:FamilyTreeShaker Contact
Plant date:Jan 7, 2018
Found by: Squatchis (8)
Last found:Dec 2, 2021
Last edited:Apr 8, 2023
This hike is not recommended in the summer. There is minimal shade and no water on the trails. Please be prepared to hike. Water, sunscreen, hat, pole, etc. Stay out of the washes and water crossings during monsoon. Don’t be the stupid hiker that makes it into the evening news!

Directions to the trailhead:

Take exit 259 from I10 in Tucson. Drive west on Starr Pass Boulevard. Turn left onto Clearwell Road, at brown sign for the Richard Genser Starr Pass Trailhead, and drive to end to find Trailhead Parking. In total, about 4.6 miles from freeway exit.

Directions to Boxes:

Box #1: Rottweiler – Tank

From the trail sign, take the Richard Genzer trail on the left uphill. You will soon come to a “road” cutout on the left about 0.2 miles up the trail. Turn left and walk up this road about 80 steps to a large pit. Just past the pit, there are a pair of prickly palo verdes on the right side of the trail. The box is on the east side of the western-most palo verde.

Box #2: Poodle – Putzi

Walk back to the trail and continue up the trail passing a sign on the right that says to stay out of the restoration area. Where trail turns right there is a multi-arm saguaro on the right with smaller nurse palo verde tree. Stop here. Look to the left for a social trail at 75*. Walk 25 steps up this social trail to a slender saguaro flanked by ocotillo. A palo verde is to the right and behind the saguaro. Box is under a single rock on the east side of the palo verde. Please put back the way you found it and a resist the urge to create a SPOR at this box location.

Box #3: Boxer – Zelda

Walk back to the trail and continue up the trail. At a 3-way trail intersection, continue straight ahead. The trail sign shows that you're at the intersection of Rock Wren/Starr Pass. Stay on Rock Wren. The trail will start to wind around the left side of a hill and you will come to some switchbacks. After the switchbacks, start to look for a sign upslope on the right. It is a small white sign that reads “noscuT niatnouM kraP Boundary Pima County.” (Seems this sign is gone but the pole is still there, look carefully) 15 steps further on the trail brings you to a large oblong rock embedded in the middle of the trail. Stop here. Look left to a grouping of rocks with a live palo verde tree on the right edge. Make your way off trail to them. Look for the large, lichen covered rock about 5 feet in front of the palo verde. The box is tucked behind this rock.

Box #4: Golden Retriever – Hicabee

Continue on the trail to a place where a “triangle of trails” exists on the left-hand side. Take the social trail to the left and walk slightly downhill to a makeshift bench. Look left down the same social trail to spy a makeshift table with some makeshift benches around it. Walk over there. From the table, look at 90* to see a small rock ledge with short palo verdes growing behind it. Look behind the rock ledge but in front of the palo verde on the right to find the box under a flat rock.

Box #5: Bassett Hound – Charlotte

Make your way back to the trail and continue. You will walk quite a bit before coming to an old water tank on the left side of the trail just before a fence line with a silver metal post on the left side. The water tank is rectangular and about a foot high from the ground to the top. Look under the lip of the water tank on the back right-hand side. Magnetic box.

Box #6: Schnauzer – Mackenzie

Back to the trail and continue past the metal fence post and crossing the old fence line. Walk until you find a useless telephone pole on the right-hand side of the trail. Stand between this useless telephone pole and the stump of another, long-gone pole. Locate a palo verde tree at 30*. Box is under this palo verde hidden by some rocks on the northwest side of the tree base.

Box #7: Dachshund – Ruby

Now, we’ll see who’s paying attention. BACKTRACK to the old water tank and Charlotte. From the fence post (now on your right), walk 40 steps to find a what looks like a small social trail on the left. (This should be Rock Wren trail but there is no sign here.) Trail takes you slightly up and over and then begins to run along a green, chain-link fence. You will see a gate with a chain and lock but continue on this trail keeping the fence line to your left. When you get to a corner post (south side of the treatment plant located inside the fence), stop here. Take 20 steps upslope at ~200*, keeping the pair of staghorn cholla on your left. The box is under some rocks in a small “fall” of stones. The rock that hides the box behind it has taken a “lichen” to its right edge.

Box #8: Shiba Inu – Kuma

Make your way back to the trail and follow the fence line until you see a red, metal cutout sign that reads “No Vehicles Beyond This Point.” You will be looking at the back of the sign. You can also now see the parking lot from here. With your back to the edge of the sign and the parking lot to your left, site 180*. Walk 20 steps slightly uphill in this direction to find a small grouping of hedgehogs (now dead) living among the sparsely spaced rocks. (There is an ocotillo to the left.) Look behind the larger rock with pretty blue highlights to find the box under some smaller rocks.

Box #9: Dalmation – Jake

You’re almost done and the parking lot is in sight. Yay! Take the trail pointing to the parking lot (40*) making your way carefully downhill. It’s rocky, so watch your footing. The trail is a bit indistinct in some places but keep heading towards the parking lot. After crossing a wash at the bottom, the trail goes slightly uphill before a slight downhill to a smaller, sharper wash with reddish rocks making up the far side. (The parking lot is now above you on your right.) Stop at the higher point in the trail before the second wash crossing. On the right is a cholla with a small, thigh-high saguaro nestled near it. Look uphill on the right to spot a deadfall of long-gone cholla. The box is under a single, sparkly rock at the base of the deadfall.

Continue up the trail to the parking lot.

Please double bag and make sure to leave the boxes as you found them. Also, this is Arizona. Nothing in the wild out here is cuddly. Things will bite, stink, sting and poke you. Be aware and poke around with your hiking stick before reaching for the boxes!