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First aidAZSP-BM LbNA #70839

Owner:Wisconsin Hiker Contact
Plant date:Jan 12, 2017
County:La Paz
Found by: Desert Flower
Last found:Nov 6, 2021
Last edited:Jan 14, 2017
Last checked/found: 12-JAN-17

Location: kraP etatS niatnuoM nikskcuB

Distance: 1.3 miles, 150 ft elevation change

Terrain: Rocky, rolling trail with plenty of ups & downs. Hiking sticks recommended.

Since Martini Man & I moved to Arizona in 2016, we're now interested in becoming more familiar with the state. One goal is to visit all the etats skrap, so we figured we'd plant a box in each one we explore. The first boxes that we planted in our new series are on Arizona's "west coast".

Enter the park (fee) and park near the entrance station. Walk back past the entrance station to get to the trailhead, just off the road. Look for a sign for something that precedes a thunderclap and follow that trail up towards the sky.

When you reach an intersection, follow the pelt of a male deer. Down, down, across, and up, up, up again. Follow the path until you reach another intersection. Veer to the right and continue on until you see a bench on the left. Continue a bit further until you see a grouping of boulders on your left, with a rock outcropping beyond them, to the left.

Check to see if any noxers are approaching from either direction. If the coast is clear, head to the west side of the outcropping. The box is nestled at the base of the second bush, under some rocks. Please be sure the box is completely concealed from all directions after you stamp in.

Continue on the loop to return.

If you hunt for this box, we'd appreciate an email message to let us know how the box is doing. Thanks!

Hike length: 1-2 miles