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McGuire's Letterbox LbNA #69470

Owner:cezannie Contact Inactive
Plant date:Dec 5, 2015
Location: Enchanted Canyon Way
Found by: Lost Sailor
Last found:Jun 2, 2023
Last edited:Dec 7, 2015
McGuire's Letterbox

This is an easy hike a few miles from The Prescott, AZ Courthouse.
Placed 12/5/15 by

From the North corner of the Courthouse, drive West on
Gurley 1.3 mls. to Gail Gardner Rd.
You'll catch glimpses of Thumb Butte along the way.
Turn right and drive to the stop sign.
Go straight to the first left street (Westridge) and
go up the hill to the next stop sign.

Turn left on Downer, go 4/10 ml. to a sharp right turn.
Go up the hill 4/10 ml. to Ridgewod Rd. Turn right,
go up the hill to the first left street ( Enchanted Canyon Way).
In the nape of the first right curve is the trail to the letterbox
and the petroglyphs.
The petroglyphs are at the top of the boulders.
They are worth checking out.
It's not much of a hike to the letterbox.

Start your hunt at the trailhead. Keep the wire & stone pillars on your right. Walk North past the two brown houses and a trail marker to the trail crossing. At the 2nd trail marker start counting 60 steps, go straight up, (follow arrow). When the trail flattens out, start counting 15 steps. This brings you to two gigantic, split boulders with a duck-down passage between them, on the right. You've gone too far if the trail starts to descend.
Go through to the 2 squat boulders. Go to the left of the boulders to the ancient Pinion tree. Go to the left a few steps, turn right, walk between the bush and the boulder. The Pinion will be on your right. At the point between the bush and boulder, start counting 8 steps, going straight for the space between the boulders ahead.
McGuire's letterbox is behind the left boulder sleeping with 5 Bear Grass plants.

Be careful of varmints and artfully cover the box when done.
Please contact me if anything is amiss.

Hike length: 0.5 miles