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The General Lee LbNA #69300

Owner:Lone Star Quilter Contact
Plant date:Oct 14, 2015
Location: Eastbound Mississippi Rest Area
Found by: Dilly
Last found:Jan 18, 2016
Last edited:Nov 6, 2015
The General Lee (sometimes referred to as simply "the General") is the name given to a 1969 Dodge Charger driven by the Duke cousins Bo and Luke; along with cousins Coy and Vance (in season 5) in the television series The Dukes of Hazzard. It is known for its signature horn, its police chases, stunts — especially its long jumps — and for having its doors welded shut, leaving the Dukes to climb in and out through the windows. The car appears in every episode but one ("Mary Kaye's Baby"). The car's name is a reference to American Civil War general Robert E. Lee. It bears a Confederate flag (a rectangular variant of the square battle flag of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia) on its roof, and also has a horn which plays the first twelve notes of the song "Dixie". The idea for the General Lee was developed from the bootlegger Jerry Rushing's car, which was named for Lee's favorite horse, Traveller. Traveller was also the name of the car in Moonrunners, the 1975 movie precursor to The Dukes of Hazzard.

Driving East through Mississippi, mile marker 90. Park in front of the main building. Go through the building and look right for a covered picnic pavilion. South of it is a fence marking the perimeter of the rest area. Walk to the southwest corner to a wooden 3-post fence brace. Walk left to the first pine tree on the fence line. The box is between the fence and the tree.