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'Boxing Buddies Remembered LbNA #69027 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Sojourner Contact
Plant date:Aug 20, 2015
Location: Wepawaug Conservation Area
County:New Haven
Found by: beautiful princess (2)
Last found:Aug 6, 2019
Last edited:Sep 23, 2015
An easy walk of a mile or less on a "lollipop trail" at the Wepawaug Conservation Area. The entrance and parking area is on Mapledale Rd across from Cherry Hill Rd.

J.M.C. aka “Jolly Motley Crew” were my 'boxing buddies for a few years. That was their trail name. All three were Labs of various sizes and heritages.
Jack, the goofy, gentle giant Lab/Cane Corso mix, Molly, the feisty little 3-legged matriarch, who always felt she needed to keep the boys in order, and Cole, hyper, energetic and rather neurotic at times.
We’ve always had dogs, but just once did we have 3 at one time. They were my letterboxing companions. First Molly alone, then the 2 boys joined the family and they too loved to come along.
They’ve passed on now, but the happy memories always live on.

For this series, I’ve used their signature stamp, a retired tag-along stamp, and a retired personal traveler stamp. There is just one logbook in the last box.

Begin your walk through the metal gate and down the gravel path until you come to the Wepawaug River and the wooden bridge that crosses it. As you stop in the middle of the bridge, look left. This was JMC's favorite swimming hole when we came here for walks.. Your destination is the area above and overlooking this pool.

Continue over the bridge and see an orange diamond blaze. You'll follow orange for a very short way until it turns right. You stay to the left, staying above the swimming hole, (there are very faint Blue blazes on this trail) passing a fallen old stone chimney and about 50 steps beyond on the left see remnants of what might have been a wall. There are just a few stones remaining, but half way along on the right-hand side of it, find Box #1 "Meet J.M.C.". Please be cautious that there are no passers-by when you retrieve and re-hide the box, and please re-hide well. These are very sentimental stamps that I'm sharing with you! :-)

Continue on Blue for a short way, and just before the wooden foot-bridge, make a right onto the (very faintly blazed) Yellow trail. A short way ahead, pass through the remnants of a low stone wall. Ahead you should see a large-ish rock to the left of the trail. Stop at this rock and you'll notice it is roughly an elongated triangular shape and it's pointing to Box #2, "J.M.C. on the Scent" which is hidden in between 2 small rocks shaped in an upside-down V. Again, please be cautious that there are no passers-by when you retrieve and re-hide the box, and please re-hide well.

Stay on Yellow for a very short distance until it turns right. An unmarked trail continues straight. You'll have to look closely again for the faint Yellow blaze going right. Soon you will join up with the Orange trail. Turn right onto Orange. When you reach the Orange diamond blaze with a right-hand arrow at the 90* turn, stop. Site about 120* through the trees to a square red and white orienteering symbol on a tree with a thin "S" or "N" shaped tree to its left. In front of the "N" tree in a low wall, find Box #3 denoting JMC's other favorite pastime! Please be cautious that there are no passers-by when you retrieve and re-hide the box, and please re-hide well.

From here, bushwack to the right a short way, and join the Orange trail again, and you'll find yourself back at the bridge crossing the river and back to your car.

I hope you enjoyed this sentimental little tour, and please log your finds on AQ and LbNA.