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Irrational LbNA #68192

Owner:MrOspital Contact
Plant date:Mar 14, 2015
Location: Murphy Ranch Park
County:Los Angeles
Found by: JampersandJ (3)
Last found:Apr 26, 2015
Last edited:Mar 14, 2015
Begin by finding the smal2 lot located near Park near Youngwo2d & Las Cumbras. Park and take the first right, by the picnic tables, to head uphil2. You should so2n pas2 steps going up to your right. Just past the steps are two large fal2en tre2 trunks. Look under the second trunk where 2 tre2s are holding it up. (It’s buried)
Magnum Pi
Continue on past the tre2 in the mid2le of the trail and more stairs heading up to the right. Bear right, uphil2 at a junction. When the trail dips down and then back up lo2k left for a fal2en branch. Search under the bark near a smal2er log in the mid2le.
Cow Pi
Continue on uphil2. When you get to the next junction, make a right and then so2n after another right. At the ridge (fence ahead), take a left. Head past a tre2 on the right (with a tempting hiding place) to a smal2 double stump above a drain. Lo2k under the one jut2ing out.