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In Flander's Fields LbNA #66407

Plant date:Jan 14, 2013
Location: Veteran's Building, Seminary Drive
Planted by:DorothyGayle Contact Inactive
Found by: TobyWanKenobi
Last found:Aug 22, 2016
Last edited:Jan 14, 2013
In Flanders' fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

Thus begins the poem, In Flanders' Fields by Lt. Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian doctor, who served on the front lines in Belgium during World War I. He wrote the poem for a friend's service after he was killed in combat.

The corn poppy, Shirley poppy or as it has become known, as it has been used by veterans, the Remembrance poppy grew in between the trench lines during the bloody battles of World War I. It is a plant that thrives on disturbed ground.

The Flanders' Field letterbox is to be found in front of the Veteran's Building on Seminary Avenue in Ukiah. In the front of the building there is a WWI artillery gun. It appears that it was manufactured in Germany, though the German identification is written in English. On the back of the gun there is a large U shaped spout. On the right side of the spout there is a handle. You will find the box attached under the spout.
When returning the box, be sure that the it attaches well to the 4 magnets holding it in place