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Scattered Guardrails: Super Bowl Time LbNA #66398

Owner:pawca Contact
Plant date:Jan 12, 2014
Found by: Team Rogue
Last found:Jun 1, 2024
Last edited:Jan 12, 2014
Harwinton's East Cemetery is just south of Rt 4 on Rt 72. Going south you'll see it on your left with the entrance road a break in the guardrail. Turn in and park in the pull off on the left.. The 'box' you're looking for is in the end. Watch out for prickers.

Check out the cemetery while you're there. The day we were there, it gave a new meaning to the term "bone yard". We were looking for a spot for a PUD in the surrounding woods - which we didn't find for the size we had with us - and found bones all over the place and also out in the cemetery. They appeared to be dog bones - we hoped, anyway - but there were so many! Perhaps a pack of dogs hangs out here but who knows.