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Thinking Kev LbNA #63854

Owner:SL Contact
Plant date:Jan 19, 2013
Location: Highland Park School
Found by: SherlockMiles
Last found:Aug 10, 2024
Last edited:Jan 19, 2013
This is another letterbox in memory of our friend Big Kev.
As a small tribute to the short life of a life long friend, we have planted boxes to honor and keep his memory alive with the passions of this diverse man.

Born and raised in Manchester,CT, Big Kev, as he was known to a small group of friends, was a caring person. A product of the Manchester school system, his life was touched by Mr. Ferdette, his 6th grade science teacher at Highland Park School. Big Kev would soon follow the same path.

His passions ran the entire gambit! He became a science teacher in Stafford, CT where he influenced thousands of kids. He loved his family, friends, animals and the underdog! He was an avid skier, scuba diver, pilot, jet skier, motorcyclist, handyman and a captain in the Civil Air Patrol. I had the privilege of calling him friend and it truly was a privilege.

Find your way to Highland Park School on Porter St. Manchester. You can park in the parking lot on non school days. Walk across the street where you will see a wooden guardrail of sorts. Go to the end of the guardrail post facing north. In the end awaits your prize.