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Squirrel Stew LbNA #62892

Owner:Baby Bear Contact
Plant date:Aug 5, 2012
Location: Overlook near Waterton
City:Waterton Townsite
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Silver Eagle
Last found:Aug 5, 2012
Last edited:Aug 5, 2012
Difficutly: Easy
Distance to Letterbox: 25 yards

The Squirrel Stew box is located in a nice overlook between Waterton and the boarder crossing into the USA as heading toward Glacier NP.

From Waterton, and Hwy 5 and 6 intersection, go right toward USA on Hwy 6 until you reach overlook pullout on right (about 8 miles or so). Pull in and park near flags.

To the Letterbox:
Walk across parking lot to the Canandian flag pole. At pole, go left a few steps to large rock. Box is next to base of that rock, under a rock pile.