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Labyrinth of Low Gap LbNA #61601

Plant date:Apr 29, 2012
Location: Low Gap Park
Planted by:DorothyGayle Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Apr 29, 2012
Looks like the 4 inches of rain we got overnight has washed away this box. I knew it was a possibility, but the labyrinth still calls to be walked. Low Gap Park is located across Low Gap Rd. from Ukiah High School.

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. The labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world.
Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools.

The labyrinth in Low Gap Park is reached by following the sidewalk leading into the park, past the playground, down the hill and across the bridge which spans Orr Creek. Just over the bridge turn left over a smaller bridge and then take a sharp left following the path which follows the creek. After a short walk you will come to an open grassy area on your right. Walk into the meadow watching for the labyrinth on your left. It is somewhat hidden in the tall grass. The path into the labyrinth begins on the creek side of the labyrinth. If you wish, you can take something with you (a rock, a flower) to leave in the center.

After walking the labyrinth, you will be walking back the way you came along the creek to find the Labyrinth of Low Gap letterbox. Along the trail you will see 2 small trails leading to the creek. After the 2nd trail, count 3 large oak trees on your left. Under the 3rd oak on the left hand side, you will find the box.

Thank you for coming. There are 2 of Olde Oak's boxes on the City View trail here in the park, a lovely walk.