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Irish Gold LbNA #61373

Owner:The Olde Oak Contact Inactive
Plant date:Apr 6, 2012
Location: Nicasio Reservoir
Found by: fleetwood7
Last found:Apr 6, 2012
Last edited:Apr 6, 2012
Start with the clues for God’s Tears. Even if the letterbox has flown the coop these clues will lead you to the start of your quest for Irish Gold. OK, after you’ve found God’s Tears (or where God’s Tears ought to be) start walking back the way you came sticking close to the eastern shore of the reservoir. Soon you will spy a large downed log which probably spent a year and a day in the water at one time. On its west side about five feet from the end away from the water is a depression. Reach into the depression toward the end closest to the water and grab a little Irish Gold.

Please rehide carefully and thanks for coming.