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Dr. Mel LbNA #60772

Plant date:Feb 11, 2012
Location: Beaverbrook Cemetery
Planted by:SwampYankee&Sunshine Contact Inactive
Found by: DevilinDog
Last found:Jul 31, 2024
Last edited:Dec 16, 2015
Most of you are probably familiar with who Dr. Mel is, but in case you're not, here is a brief bio. Dr. Mel Goldstein was a meterologist for Channel 8 in New Haven for many years. His laugh and smile were infectious and his passion for his job and for life, in general, were palpable even through the TV screen. He was dealt the cruel card of being diagnosed with a normally aggressive bone cancer, multiple myloma. They gave him months to live. He continued to work as his treatment schedule and health would allow for a considerable time. He passed away Jan. 18, 2012. I met him at the synagogue in Chester where he gave a talk about his life as a meteorologist about 2 years ago. He was a delight to listen to and an incredible inspiration.

This box is planted at the cemetery where he is buried. Beaverbrook Cemetery is on Rte. 145 in Clinton, immediately after a golf couse on the left as you're heading South. The Jewish section is towards the back, behind a hedge that runs across the entire burial ground.
Drive in and go to the back. Dr. Mel is buried near the hedge. Facing the back of the cemetery, with your left shoulder at the right hand end of the hedge, walk 12 paces along the road. Look to the right and you should see 4 stones in a jumble to the right of a 2 sister tree, a few steps off the road and up a small incline. Look on the ground behind the stones, under 2 smaller stones.
As always, please rehide carefully and be respectful to the loved ones that are buried here.

There is NO ink in this box. Please bring blue and yellow. Thanks!!

Happy Boxing!!!
Sunshine, Swamp Yankee, and Ace