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Memory Stump LbNA #60160

Plant date:Sep 30, 2011
City:Columbia Falls
Planted by:BonRich Clan Contact Inactive
Found by: Chelle & Chickadee '11
Last found:May 25, 2012
Last edited:Sep 30, 2011
Our family takes an annual family trip to Columbia Falls, MT every year. This year we decided to do some letterboxing. We had so much fun and our favorite trail we have found, was a result of doing the Columbia Mountain letterbox! This year we decided to place our own letterbox, further up this trail, in hopes that people will enjoy this trail as much as we do! We named this letterbox Memory Stump, because we have created so many wonderful family memories in Montana!

Directions to the trailhead:
Drive East on Highway 2 out of Columbia Falls. You will pass the Montana House of Mystery on your left hand side. You will drive around a bend in the road, and on the right hand side, see a brown sign that says Historic Point. Right after that sign, you will take a right onto a dirt road. Follow this road just a little ways down and you will take a left into the gravel parking lot! THis is where you will park for the trail head!

Start out down the trail and you will see the information sign. Follow past this and up the trail. You will see a rock wall, which the trail will take you by, up and around. Then on the left hand side you will see a little waterfall. Keep going up the trail. It will take a bend/corner to the left and then again to the right. You will be walking uphill. Up at the next corner, there will be an opening where you can veer off the trail to the right. You will step across some tree branches/roots that have grown across the ground. You will be able to walk out acoss some big rocks and overlook the whole valley! Off to the left, there are two trees which are both bent over. The second tree has a heart carved into it with the initials "NR IS." Look around and under this tree. To the back of it you will find a pile of rocks. It is under these rocks you will find what you seek!

We hope you enjoy the views and the trail!!