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The Flying Eagle LbNA #58720

Owner:Happy Drifters Contact Inactive
Plant date:Jul 6, 2011
City:Lake Louise
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Angel Winks
Last found:Aug 24, 2017
Last edited:Jul 6, 2011
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is beautiful, a must see!

The hotel was created by the railway in the 19th century. It was designed to lure travelers into taking trains. When airplanes and automobiles became a more popular way to travel and replaced the trains. However the hotels fame allowed its survival and the Canadian Pacific Railway sold it to other interests.

Enjoy dinning at the hotel then stretch your legs and look for “The Flying Eagle”, complements of some very good friends. Note: Not recommended for winter!

Walk to the farthest most end of the parking lot from the hotel. There is a sign clearly posted “Tramline 3”. Cross over to the one lane paved road. There is a Nordic Ski Trail that begins as gravel but, quickly turns into a dirt path. It is a nice even flat trail that will accommodate anyone.

Follow the trail approximately 190 paces to “The Flying Eagle” letterbox. There is a stream on the right side. Two thirds of the way is a metal culvert that diverts the water until there is no longer a stream. A River is on the left side. Continue on the trail until you see three tree stumps. On the right side about five feet up the bank is a large mossy bolder covered by a dead tree with a tiny cavern in the front. “The Flying Eagle” is on the left side of the boulder covered by loose rocks.

Hope you had a nice walk after dinning and please replace “The Flying Eagle” where you found it.