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Seashells LbNA #54650

Plant date:Jul 15, 2010
County:Santa Barbara
Planted by:The Happy Camperz Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jul 15, 2010
From Carpinteria State Beach: Travel southeast, by foot on the sand, past the happy camperz of Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel. You’ll arrive at the rocky tide pools and if it’s low tide, you’ll be able to find all sorts of creatures. See if you can find a crab or a starfish. Directly across from the tide pools is a set of stairs, so when you’re done exploring the water climb the stairs to the top. Turn right and follow the dirt path past the long log. Take the second right on the path and watch out for tar. Go down the hill and then turn left and go up the hill. Stop at the first green warning sign and look to the tree on the left. It looks like a nice place to take a seat or go for a climb. It also holds our secret. Look within the roots. Buried under rocks, in a small hole, is the box you came to find. This can be a busy area so please be discreet.

4/4/2011 - This letterbox reported missing.