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The Squirrel LbNA #53135

Plant date:Apr 17, 2010
Planted by:BundleBees
Found by: Rocklun
Last found:Apr 28, 2024
Last edited:Apr 17, 2010
The suirrel is on the Mt.Tom reservation and can be reached from Rt.5 in Holyoke. There is a $2.00 parking fee. Drive past the lake and turn left by the out buildings and park in the lot straight ahead. Take the Loop trail that starts around the lake and bear right at the Kay Bee trail.Follow this trail. Soon you will pass a spot where the trail is all rock for about 30 feet. It then bears right and down a small ravine and then going up the other side there will be a sharp left with a small tree with two blue marks on it. If you stand at that tree and look straight into the woods you will see a lone White Birch tree. Continue around the corner you will see an old fallen tree along the trail on the left and two old trees falling down hill on the right. Look just to the right of those trees you will see a large Oak tree leaning to the right. Behind this tree in a hole in the rocks and covered by a piece of wood or bark you will find the Squirrel waiting for the acorns to fall.