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WWU Arboretum - Viking Pride LbNA #52894

Plant date:Mar 24, 2010
Planted by:Irish Cocoa Contact Inactive
Found by: Gryffindors
Last found:Apr 2, 2011
Last edited:Mar 24, 2010
This letterbox is handicap-accessible, and can be gotten to either by hiking or by car.
When hiking, head up towards the observatory/watch tower.
When driving, head up the service entrance; this is a road branching off of 25th and Bill McDonald Parkway, by Buchanan Towers.

Go down the path leading from the service road parking lot until you reach an intersection of paths; there should be a sign at the corner labeled “Tunnel Through Time” to your right and a trailhead point to “Tunnel Ridge Trail” in front of you. Take a right toward the rock tunnel. The letterbox is hidden approximately 12 paces from the sign, on your right hand side, under some rocks beneath an umbrella of cedars. If you pass through the tunnel you’ve gone too far. While up here also take the time to visit the watchtower and enjoy the great views of Bellingham.