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Abscraps: Ode to Grecian Urn LbNA #52479

Owner:FamilyTreeShaker Contact
Plant date:Mar 14, 2010
Found by: Baqash
Last found:Dec 31, 2017
Last edited:Jan 11, 2016
If you'd like all the Abscraps clues as one hike please visit this website: Abcraps Clues

All readings are magnetic.

Tucson Mountain Park was established April 1929. The Pima County Parks Commission, with C. B. Brown as its chairman, was established to oversee the park. At approximately 20,000 acres, the park is one of the largest natural resource areas owned and managed by a local government in the U.S. The park has approximately 62 miles of non-motorized shared-use trials. The park’s trails are open to hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers, and provide a wide range of outstanding experiences, including technical challenges, and breathtaking views.

This box is located in the Robles Pass Section of the Tucson Mountain trails. The multi-use (hiking, equestrian and biking) trails are located in the area between Ajo Way and Irvington Road just west of Mission Road. Here is a link to the trail map of the area: Trail Map

Take Mission Road south to Irvington Place. Turn right onto Irvington Place (Associated Dental is on NW corner) and follow until the road ends. You will see a guard rail across the road, the end of the pavement, and red diamond markers. Turn your car around and park here along the south side of the road.

WARNING: Please stay out of the washes during both rainy and monsoon times. Washes are very unsafe when it is raining and flash flooding is a very real danger in the desert. A wash may be perfectly dry one second and raging with water the next.

Head west around the guardrail. Bear right, going downhill and go northwest onto Camaro Loop trail. Unfortunately, there is no trail sign here. Hike 0.5 miles to the trail sign at the junction of Camaro Loop and Boulder Belt Trail. Take the right onto Boulder Belt trail which goes roughly north from the sign. Hiking ~ 0.5 miles, you will start to see barb-wire fence poles (no barbed wire though) with white painted tops and yellow tape. Stop at the second fence post. Find the 2 pencil chollas on the right and stand between them. Locate the palo verde at 120*. About 30 steps takes you over to that palo verde where the box is hidden under rocks on the NE side of the tree.

Please be careful of things that bite and sting and stick you. This is Arizona after all; nothing here in the wild is cute, soft or cuddly. Not recommended at high noon in the middle of summer. Bring plenty of water regardless of the season. Please double bag and rehide the box well.

Hike length: 1-2 miles