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Escape to Arizona LbNA #45274

Owner:Wisconsin Hiker Contact
Plant date:Jan 3, 2009
Found by: Waneta Wench
Last found:Jan 17, 2019
Last edited:Apr 21, 2016
Last found/checked: 3-JAN-09

Location: To reach the trailhead at the foot of setaG Pass, go west from Tucson on Speedway, which becomes setaG Pass Road. Follow the road to the top of the pass and continue down the western side for 0.4 of a mile to a parking lot on the left (G-3). The trail begins there.

Hike Distance: Approximately 2.5-3 miles roundtrip.

Terrain: Wide rocky trail in open area with gradual ascent/descent most of the way. However rather steep narrower paths near the final box location. Trekking poles are a good idea, but not necessary.

Note: Bring water along on your hike because it can get rather warm on the open trails. Although we never saw any, you should be alert for snakes and scorpions. Also be careful of the cactus – we can verify that they do tend to “attack” the unwary!

We live in Wisconsin and had another rough start to the winter in 2008. Over 40 inches of snow fell in December and we also had some frigid days. We set the record for the “2nd snowiest December” in the area and were therefore MORE than ready for an escape to a warmer and drier climate. Tucson, AZ fit the bill nicely and we enjoyed a full week of hiking in the desert with pleasant temperatures and brilliant blue skies.

To follow us along on one of our hikes, head towards the bench near the parking lot and you’ll see the DY trailhead sign. Ascend on the trail until you reach a marked intersection. Continue straight through to descend with views of the Sonoran desert all around. Wow, this looks great compared to all that snow!

Eventually you’ll reach a spot with 2 large boulders, one in the center of the path. Your next objective is the first tall rock formation located at 250 degrees from this boulder. To get there, take the trail at 270 degrees. It will be a fairly steep ascent w/loose rock as you curve toward the prominent rock promontory. Trekking poles are useful here!

Once you arrive at the rock, stand at the wall on the SW side and take a bearing of 255 degrees and head 60 steps in that direction. You should now be at the edge of a rock outcropping. Take a final bearing of 265 degrees and walk 20 steps to a rock. The rectangular rock we’re hiding under is approximately 1-2 feet wide and nearly 4 feet long. You’ll find us on the east side, near the center and hidden by a stone.

Be alert for typical desert hazards. Please replace carefully so our replicas can continue to bask in the warm AZ sunshine.

Cautiously go back the way you came and enjoy that AZ weather. As I write these clues, the HIGH temperature for the day here at home is expected to be MINUS 4 degrees Fahrenheit (with wind chill readings of 40 below)!

Status reports on the box would be greatly appreciated, since I unfortunately live a long way from Arizona, and won’t be able to check on it myself.

Hike length: 2-3 miles