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Pierce Park (MISSING) LbNA #44366 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 3, 2008
Planted by:WE LOVE LABS
Found by: gotta run
Last found:Apr 18, 2009
Last edited:Nov 3, 2008
Park in the large parking lot by the pavilion all the way in the far left in the back by “tee 1”
1. Start on the paved walk way by taking 64 steps to the Gazebo.
2. Walk to the center of the Gazebo.
3. Turn and look to the right.
4. Something is missing walk the 24 steps too it.
5. In the distance you will see a newer square edged bench take a walk to it.
6. Have a seat rest and enjoy the view for awhile.
7. On your right is a historical marker read it.
8. Turn around and take as many man sized steps as the famous speech says past the Indian guide to follow the meandering path west.
9. Start counting the trees within 4 feet of the road when you get to 4stop.
10. Look into the distance and you will see 2 large rocks walk in between them to “tee 4”
11. Look around walk to a place that our 16th President might like to call home.
12. Look around and place your back to the thing that Lincoln did not have connected to his cabin of birth.
13. Look to your left what was missing in clue number 4 is missing here also walk to it about 58 steps.
14. Face to the right and walk to the edge of the world about 68 man sized steps
15. Turn right at the edge of the world and follow the tree line around.
16. Look to the right to see the hole that goes through the bottom of the tree. This is not the one you are looking for however we just thought it was cool how it goes all the way through.
17. Continue along and keep following the edge as you start going slightly down hill look and go to the left onto a natural pathway into the basin.
18. Turn to face right and walk along the valley floor toward the brick building in the distance.
19. Before you start to ascend the small hill, turn to the left.
20. Part the bushes in front of you to find the box in the roots of the larger tree.
21. Ascend t he hill follow the road around to the right to find your car.