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Tip of Shasta LbNA #4431

Owner:Doublesaj & Old Blue Contact
Plant date:Jun 22, 2003
City:North of Redding
Found by: Nature Hikers
Last found:May 23, 2015
Last edited:Jun 22, 2003
Cruising north on Hwy 5 there is a point where the peak of the breathtakingly beautiful Mt. Shasta looms into view. We're talking about 30 miles north of Redding, Ca. It is a short way after this point that I was inspired to pull off the road and carve, on the spot, the Tip of Shasta stamp and plant a letterbox.

Take the exit that shares a name with the actor who played "Braveheart" (or the exit number the same as the number of home runs Babe Ruth hit). Proceed over the freeway overpass (Boonville Springs Road) and take the 1st right onto an unnamed road. You'll know you're on the correct road when the Tip of Shasta comes into view. If you can take your eyes off its beauty, continue on the road a short way until the pavement gives way to gravel. Less than 0.2 miles further, spy a "clearing" (could be knee-high with foxtails at certain times of the year) on the left marked by a handful of tightly spaced pines reaching for the sky (and almost touching it!) Park here and proceed about 30 steps straight for these trees, a SW direction. Once there, look directly to your right to spy the last, young pine at the edge of what is probably a creek when there's water available. Under this tree, secured by a rather heavy rock, is what you seek. Remember to rehide it well, although I doubt there'll be anyone who isn't a letterboxer in the vacinity.