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Tom Brokaw LbNA #42456

Owner:Whirly-Girl Wanna Be Contact Inactive
Plant date:Aug 3, 2008
State:South Dakota
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 3, 2008
This letterbox is hidden on the Auld-Brokaw Trail, a 2.75 mile, 10-foot wide concrete trail built through the generosity of Yankton native Tom Brokaw and his wife, Meredith (Auld) Brokaw.

To find this letterbox, find the avenue with the same name as Abraham's Lincoln's most famous debate partner. You should park near where it crosses over Marne Creek (close to where 7th St would be if it was here). You can descend to the trail from either side of the avenue. Once you are on the path, you should head east.

Pass the pergola (the sign will tell you that's what it is, in case you aren't sure), and go under a bridge. You will rise to cross the street named after the evergreen tree, and soon afterward you will find the creek is now on your right.

In a little while, you will see a sign telling you that you are approaching the street made famous by Dr. Seuss--you probably remember some of the wild things Marco says he saw on this street. Just before you get to the red bridge on the right, you will see an Ash tree on your right, near the path. This tree has a double trunk, splitting about 3 1/2 feet up. The letterbox (a bag, really) is jammed into the spot where the two trunks separate. Please be sure it is secure, and as invisible as possible, after you stamp in.