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Picasso's Sancho LbNA #40672

Plant date:Jun 3, 2008
Planted by:Captain Slick Kitty Contact Inactive
Found by: Stanleyfamily
Last found:Jun 8, 2008
Last edited:Jun 3, 2008
One of my favorite paintings is Don Quixote and his pal Sancho. While Don gets all the credit, what about his good ol' side kick Sancho?

Well, now you can ask him!

From Susanville, take 36 to 44. Cruise along until you come to an area where you see a "goat" surrounded by a bunch of babies. Just as you are starting to pass the little ones, pull over to the south side of the freeway.

Make you way over to the watchful parents and the old grandfather "stumpy" between them. Just below this trio is a manzanita tree, a medium rock, and an old log. Any guesses to where Sancho is waiting for you?