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Old Highway 80 LbNA #40106

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:May 24, 2008
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Oct 19, 2018
Last edited:Jan 8, 2023
Walk difficulty: easy
Distance: very short
Stamp hand-carved
Status: alive and well on January 7, 2023

This box is for weary travelers who need to stop and stretch their legs. It is located just off I-10 between Vail and Tucson. From I-10 take exit 279, Vail Rd., and drive just a very short distance north. Turn left (west) on the Frontage Road that goes along the north side of I-10. This is an original section of old U. S. Highway 80 dating back to the early 1930s. Drive to the end and park.

From the north end of the red and white striped barrier, walk exactly north (magnetic north) to the wire fence and turn right. Walk to the 5th fence post. The box is under the east side of a large Creosote Bush under a large flat rock covered with some twigs and plant debris. As always in the desert, be alert for snakes.

Please please be sure the contents are double ziplocked when you put them back in the box (i.e. the stamp is in a ziploc, the book is in a ziploc, and the two are in the larger ziploc bag) and put all of it INSIDE the box. Please screw the cap on tight to keep it from leaking. Please rehide the box well under the rock and cover it with some twigs and plant debris so that it can not be seen from any direction.

Please let me know if the box needs attention or is missing:

This box was placed for National/International Letterboxing Day -- May 24, 2008.

This box is in my "I-10 Series". The other boxes in the series are: "Gold Nugget [AZ]", "Picacho Cactus [AZ]", "Picacho Peak [AZ]", "Rio Santa Cruz [AZ]", "Sentinel Peak [AZ]", "The Cercidium [AZ]", "The Thing? [AZ]", "What is the Thing? [AZ]", "Deming [NM]", and "Lordsburg [NM]".

Please record your find at or at .

If you live in Arizona or New Mexico or have an interest in letterboxes in those states, you are invited to join the Letterboxing Southwest Discussion Group. Go here to join: .