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Go Buffs! LbNA #37887 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Feb 11, 2008
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Feb 11, 2008
The buffalo is the mascot of West Texas A&M University. Go Buffs!

To start your search, go to the “Traditions” page of the West Texas A&M University website ( Use the information found through the links on that page to solve the following puzzle, which will give you the call number for a book in the “loan shelves” section of the Cornette Library at West Texas A&M University ( Find the book with that call number (or if it is checked out, find the space where the book would be). Directly below that spot, look under the lowest shelf that holds books. There you’ll find the letterbox. Although the library staff are aware of the letterbox, please be discreet in order to protect its hiding place!

To find the call number, fill in these blanks:
____ First letter of the town where the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department maintains the Goodnight Herd at Caprock Canyons State Park
____ First letter of the nickname given to the mascot Thunder IX
____ Last digit in the year in which the university obtained Lollipop, a live mascot
____ Line number of the West Texas A&M Alma Mater that reads “Over cliff and crag and canyon”
____ Line number of the Alma Mater that reads “Hearts as bold as western breezes”
____ Insert a decimal point here
____ First letter of the second word in the name of the basketball arena in which Buffs “Stand Tall”
____ Last digit in both the first year and the last year of Russell C. Long’s tenure as president
____ Number of words in the first line of the WTAMU Fight Song
____ First letter of the last name of the writer of the University’s Alma Mater
____ Number of fingers folded down to make the WTAMU hand sign
____ Number of the line in the Fight Song that reads “We’ll kick, pass and run”