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“A” Parking LbNA #37174

Plant date:Dec 16, 2007
Planted by:The Pink Ladies Contact
Found by: navywife727
Last found:Apr 19, 2014
Last edited:Dec 16, 2007
Anyone who has ever attended The University of Arizona can tell you… you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a new building. But if you are looking to park your ride and get to class – good luck. Even though The University has built several new parking structures during the past few years, the parking lots have not kept pace with building.

With that being said, the parking structures that have been built are nice, especially the Tyndall Avenue Garage. Find the garage and head to the top level near the clock tower. Find the light pole to the South of the elevator. Look for the letterbox in a box above level 5 and below the exit sign.