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Kukui‘ula Harbor View LbNA #36622 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 10, 2007
Planted by:Old2AK Contact Inactive
Found by: RaceFamily
Last found:Feb 16, 2013
Last edited:Nov 10, 2007
We're a couple of old geezers who enjoy letterboxing, but who tend to limit our hiding and seeking activity to drive-bys and places that involve easy walks. If we're a long way from home, in a place we might not visit again, we think it's more fun to seek and find easy boxes in several different locations, rather than pursue one hard one. We think our "low impact" letterbox style works work well for families with young children, too.

Kukui'ula Harbor View

Visit Spouting Horn! One of the dual lava tubes breathes air, making an eerie dragon sound, while the other tube shoots a spray of salt water. On large south-swell days, the height of the spray can exceed 30 feet.

Legend has it that a giant female lizard or dragon once terrorized the entire south side of the island. One day a brave warrior went fishing there, and when the dragon attacked him he speared it in the mouth. The wounded dragon chased the warrior into a lava tube. The warrior escaped, but the dragon was trapped forever. Today you can still hear the dragon’s breath coming from the tube.

Enjoy the show, then start back toward Koloa. As you come around the curve just past 4554, you'll see Kukui'ula Harbor. Cross the bridge and pull off the road near the rock wall. Often, there are outrigger canoes in the yard on the other side of the wall. You can see Spouting Horn from here, too! Look toward the mountains to the Northeast and see if you can spot Queen Victoria's Profile.

Saunter over to the curved end of the guardrail; look (feel) for the camouflaged cylindrical letterbox that's attached with magnets to the top edge of the guardrail groove. Take the Letterbox back to your car and open it there. Stamp away, then roll the paper up tight and fasten it with the paper clip. Wait for a quiet moment and put the box back in place, taking care not to be observed.

And enjoy the rest of your day in Paradise!