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Bucky's New Home! LbNA #35046

Plant date:Sep 9, 2007
City:Rancho Cordova/Carmichael
Planted by:NancyAnne & Doug Contact Inactive
Found by: Pod227
Last found:May 6, 2017
Last edited:Sep 9, 2007
***************DIRECTION ALERT**************
Well, these are confusing times we live in and the Buckster can't escape that fact anymore than the rest of us. "Goethe Park" is now "Riverbend Park!" Apparently, Mr. Goethe had some rather disagreeable aspects to his personality and his belief system and he has, therefore, been stripped of this particular honor. We shall say no more on this subject. We can assure you that Bucky himself remains the same unassuming and lovable critter he has always been. So, some maps and/or directions may reflect that change, and some may not. Just substitute the words Riverbend Park for Goethe Park in the directions and all will be, for now, well. Oh, and the drive-in cost has gone up to $5. But they still need the money.

Poor old Bucky Beaver, originally placed October 12, 2003, has had to find a new home. He's hoping that if you have visited him at his old home you might want to come back and check out his new digs. He's looking forward to your visit!

Bucky Beaver lives along the beautiful American River Parkway in the Sacramento, California area, though his official address is not in Sacramento. All these boundary lines confuse the Buckster if he thinks too much about it, so he tries not to do that too often. From Highway 50 in Rancho Cordova take Bradshaw Road north. Turn right (east) on Folsom Blvd. Turn off Folsom Blvd. onto Rod Beaudry Drive. Goethe Park is a county park and can really use the $5 it costs to drive in, but if you'd rather not pay the distance from the closest free parking (along Rod Beaudry Drive)to the parking lot in the park is about 1 mile, so biking in is a good alternative.

Proceed along Rod Beaudry Drive and stay on the main road, past the kiosk, then turn left at "Picnic Parking" and continue until you dead end in a large parking lot. LOCK YOUR CAR! At the far end of the parking lot, find the paved path that leads to the biking/walking bridge that spans the American River. Proceed along this path toward the bridge, pausing to read the interesting county park information board that tells you about the various flora and fauna of the area and, a few feet further on, the plaque telling you about the namesakes of the park, C.M. & Mary Glide Goethe (pronounced Gatey). Proceed to the bridge and walk across it, pausing at the second viewing bay on the southeast side to look down at the site of Bucky's old home. Sometimes he gets nostalgic and stops by for a visit so keep your eyeballs peeled. Once you cross the bridge you have arrived in the William B. Pond Recreation area and you're in Carmichael. Walk to the last of the wooden posts on the left side of the bike trail, take a left and head down the rock and dirt trail toward the river. When you reach the bottom of the "hill" take the left fork in the trail and continue on this downriver trail for a bit. Bucky has been known to spend a lot of time on this stretch of the river and he may be watching you right keep smiling. Soon, the path curves to the right around a pile of river rocks, then veers left again and widens into what looks like a dirt road. There is a long bed of river rocks on your left and near the end (southeast) of that bed of rocks are Siamese twin eucalyptus trees. Go to those trees and stand on the river side. Walk toward the water, veering slightly left toward a natural "viewing area." Gaze in wonder at Bucky's lovely home. On your right is a small hillock with a two-trunked live oak at the top. At the foot of the oak on the downstream side is Bucky's new hiding spot. He's happy to see you too! This can be a busy area so please, please rehide Bucky's box well and let us know how the old feller's doing.

The walk from the parking lot to Bucky's new home and back takes less than 1/2 hour, round trip, but you'll probably want to linger (if it's not too HOT, that is) and maybe even bring a picnic, in which case you might want to give yourself an hour or so. Or, for the more genteel, there are picnic tables on both sides of the river.
**update** As of March 8, 2010 Bucky is alive and well (well, sort of), but he's done a slight relocation. When you get to the Siamese Twins eucalyptus tree, stand on the north side of it. Looking due north from there you will see a young valley oak approximatelt 20 steps from where you stand. On the north side of this small tree Bucky has taken up residence under a piece of concrete that's mixed in with the river rocks. Please rehide the buckster carefully! Thanks!