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Shepherd of the Hill LbNA #33849

Plant date:Jul 29, 2007
Planted by:Playmakers Contact Inactive
Found by: 66gypsies
Last found:Sep 30, 2016
Last edited:Jul 29, 2007
Note: This Letterbox was reported alive & well on October 18/09.

The 'Shepherd of the Hill' Letterbox is actually located on the Dewey Bald Trail in the 1,534 acre 'Ruth & Paul Henning Conservation Area'.

Due to its proximity to the Shepherd of the Hill Lookout, Historic Homestead & Old Mill Theatre, we have taken some liberty to describe this Letterbox as we have.

To access the 'Ruth & Paul Henning Conservation Area', take Highway 76 NW from Branson about 1 mile past the intersection with the 'Shepherd of the Hills' Expressway (RFD-TV The Theatre is on the corner of the intersection).

Exit Highway 76 to the right at the sign 'Scenic Overlook Ruth & Paul Henning Conservation Area'.

The parking area is quite extensive. Park as close as possible near the entrance.

The Dewey Bald Trail is a well marked 20 minute loop and starts near the SE entrance to the parking area.

About 300 yards from the start of the trail, you will come to a hairpin turn to the right. There is a bench at the hairpin turn.

The 'Shepherd of the Hill' Letterbox is located in this immediate area.

Stand in front of the bench and look along the low cedar rail fence in the V of the hairpin.

The 'Shepherd of the Hill' Letterbox is located on the left side of the cedar rail fence at the 2nd corner in the fence about 3 paces off the right side of the trail under a flat rock and some debris.

If you continue along the trail past the Letterbox, you will come to the 'Dewey Bald Overlook Tower' which provides a 54 step climb to a great view of the surrounding area.

Also, for the more adventuous, there are some additional hiking opportunities in the Conservation Area.

Once you have found the 'Shepherd of the Hills' Letterbox and signed in, thank you for replacing the Letterbox to ensure the integrity of its hiding place.

Please ensure that there is the protective flat rock and sufficient debris protecting the Letterbox so that it is well protected from the view of passersby. Thank you.

We hope you enjoy the search and do try the short hike to the Lookout.

Please contact us by email at to let us know you found this box and the condition it is in, plus any other comments you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

Happy Letterboxing!