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Del Cerro LbNA #28630

Owner:Azroadie Contact
Plant date:Feb 4, 2007
Found by: Waneta Wench
Last found:Feb 22, 2015
Last edited:Dec 6, 2017
Trail difficulty: moderate; it is a rocky desert mountain trail with a few hills
Walking distance: about 1 mile one way
Stamp hand-carved
Status: alive and well on December 5, 2017

This letterbox is on the east side of the Tucson Mountains on the northwest side of Tucson. From I-10, take exit 252 and drive west on El Camino del Cerro all the way to the end and park at the trailhead.

Walk 0.2 mile west on the trail that starts at the west end of the parking lot (you will be walking on nat’l parks lands). Turn right on the Thunderbird Trail and walk 0.7 mile to an opening in a fence where there is a metal trail sign. After going through the fence opening (you are leaving nat’l parks lands and entering state trust lands), walk for about 45 steps and stop, a Palo Verde tree will be over your left shoulder. From there go at about 50 degrees (from mag. north) for about 80 steps to a tall Saguaro Cactus with an 2 arms. From the east side of that Saguaro, go at about 12 degrees for about 16 steps to a small low outcrop of light brown rock. The box is in the middle of the outcrop covered with smaller rocks. Be alert for snakes.

Please be sure the contents are double ziplocked when you put them back in the box (i.e. the stamp is in a ziploc, the book is in a ziploc, and the two are in the larger ziploc bag). Please rehide the box well under the rocks so that it can not be seen from any direction.

This box was placed for the 3rd Annual Tucson Letterboxers Gathering.

Please let me know if the box needs attention or is missing:

Please record your find at or at .

If you live in Arizona or New Mexico or have an interest in letterboxes in those states, you are invited to join the Letterboxing Southwest Discussion Group. Go here to join: .

Hike length: 1-2 miles