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Dino Hill LbNA #27996

Plant date:Dec 30, 2006
City:Pleasant Hill
County:Contra Costa
Planted by:Blackmagic Contact Inactive
Found by: "The Wanderers"
Last found:Oct 12, 2015
Last edited:Oct 19, 2015
The location of the letterbox is in Pleasant Hill, CA and is located off of Pleasant Hill Road going west off of the 680 freeway.

As you travel up Pleasant Hill Road, which turns into Taylor Blvd, you will come to a small park on the right side, which is also a vista point, this park can only be accessed from this side of the road.

Entering the park from the small parking lot, climb the steps on the right, to the top.

This is a beautiful vista of the Diablo Valley.

As you look out over the valley at a 70 degree bearing, follow the path to the bench,
(Aprox. 130 steps), you come to a bench next to a large tree.

Standing in front of the bench, at a bearing of 225 degrees, go approx 40 steps to a good size tree.

At this tree, stand at the southeast side of the tree, and at a bearing of 120 degrees, take 50 steps and you are at your destination.

The best access is going around to the southeast side of the trees, and at the base of the trees under a rock and some sticks will be the find.

In wet weather be careful it will be muddy and there is some semi-steep traversing toward the end.

Additional Clues:

The name of the Letterbox will provide you the best clue on the name of the park this is located.

Compass required.

No ink pad in this Letterbox.