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Beaver Totem LbNA #26701

Owner:Wisconsin Hiker Contact
Plant date:Sep 4, 2006
Found by: Mike and Elaine
Last found:Nov 25, 2007
Last edited:May 15, 2016
Last checked/found: 4-SEP-06

Distance: 6.5 - 7 miles roundtrip
Time: 3-4+ hours roundtrip
Terrain: Mostly shaded trail with 2,260 feet elevation gain

“Native American tradition provides that each individual is connected with nine different animals that will accompany each person through life, acting as guides. Different animal guides come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey. However the totem animal is one that is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. Though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, it is this one totem animal that acts as the main guardian spirit.

The first totems were carved from mature cedar trees and used in the Potlatch ceremonies of families-clans of the Pacific Northwest, primarily Alaska and British Columbia. They were carved to represent the emblem of the family as a reminder of its history. A totem is carved and placed at the front entrance of the family longhouse to honor its ancestors, the clan's standing, rights and accomplishments, to record a memorable ceremony or record a spiritual experience. A totem pole is a symbol of the qualities, experience and exploits of the clan.”

This box was placed to honor the Beaver, since it has some traits in common with a letterboxer, and may therefore be the “totem” for our letterboxing clan: “The beaver is known for hard work, determination and creativity. Beaver is the symbol of a carver and a builder.”

This hike starts about 10 miles east of the town of Beaver. The trailhead is at the end of W Snider Road, which is just west of the bridge on Hwy 101 near milepost 211. From Hwy 101, drive 1 mile on Snider Road to the trailhead. When we were there, the road ended with logs blocking the way. Park on the side of the road near these logs.

The river will be on your right as you walk along. After about 5 minutes you should see a trail sign on your left. Take it as it ascends. Climb upward, crossing a nice log bridge along the way. You'll continue to climb upwards until you eventually (1 hour 40 minutes?) reach a trail junction sign. Turn left to get to the Kloshe Nanitch lookout (1/2 mile further). Enjoy the view from the top, and if you can access the deck surrounding the lookout, you can get a view of Crescent Lake if you look east. [Note: there is a pit toilet, bench and picnic table available when you reach the overlook.]

Now that you took in the view, it is time to return down the trail and find the box. Retrace your steps and after approximately 30 minutes you'll spot a tall rocky spire with moss on your right. The trail will then ascend on some short steep switchbacks. When you reach the top and before you begin to descend again, take a bearing of 290 degrees and look at the base of 2 trees and a fallen log, approximately 10 steps off the trail. Please rehide carefully after stamping in.

We’d really appreciate an update if you find the box, since we live very far away and can’t check on it. Thanks!!

Hike length: 5-8 miles