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Rivercity: Devonian Garden LbNA #25433 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Lilac Contact
Plant date:Oct 3, 2006
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Titania
Last found:Jul 23, 2011
Last edited:Oct 3, 2006

When you are in Devonian Botanic Gardens, find Kurimoto Japanese Garden. Go through it counterclockwise and enjoy its tranquil views. When you come to the bell, ring it to hear its clear voice. Now, your letterbox is really close: you can almost see it (look through the fence closest to the bell – it’s over there), but you cannot get to it yet.
For that head out of the Japanese Garden, back to Café Patio and set on the main paved trail that leads to the flower gardens. Follow the road for a short while.

1.Pretty soon you will see ‘Nature Trails’ sign board. Choose the first one: ‘Jack Pine Walk’. Follow it until you come to the second trail sign.

2.This time pick ‘Sandy Dyde Walk’. It will take you to the third trail sign. Turn to the ‘Nature Trail’.

3.Follow the ‘Nature Trail’. On your way you will pass the bulletin board, right at the corner of the fence (which circles around the Japanese Garden; that’s right - you are coming to Kurimoto Garden from backstage)

4.Soon you will encounter a small staircase down (go down), and in a few more steps - a large staircase up. It consists of sets of three steps. You need the seventh set. .
If, while going up, you hear a ringing bell, look up and beyond the fence – you will see the familiar Japanese bell. Know that you are very close to your goal!

5.At the seventh, from the bottom, set of three steps (or on the 4th, from the top, individual step), on your left, under the staircase, covered by some leaves and birch bark pieces, you will find the letterbox you are looking for.

6. You were very good at hunting for this letterbox! Now stamp your logbook with the main stamp and with one of the bonus ones (choose a virtue you like the most) to remind you of your little adventure in and around the Japanese Garden.